วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sekai no Hate Made ItteQ -Thailand Plowing Festival (part 3/4) 世界の果てまでイッテQ!

Full credit goes to NEWShFAN for providing the English subtitles.Sekai no Hate Made ItteQ-Thailand Plowing Festival (Part 3 / 4)世界の果てまでイッテQ!


THAILAND TOUR ayutthaya-hotel

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Restaurants in Phuket - Where to Eat on Thailand's Top Island

If you are traveling to Phuket, Thailand, plan most likely looking for information about two things, nightclubs and restaurants. As a favorite of Thailand 's goal of restaurants in Phuket has a lot to offer. However, if you only visit to Phuket for a fleeting, you will not have time to filter out the good from the bad.

Thai Restaurants in Phuket are everywhere. There is less food in the street than you might find in Bangkok, but there arecountless small restaurants where you can eat like a king for a couple of bucks. With its close proximity to the sea, there are a large number of seafood restaurants in Phuket. The Thais have a knack for concocting some of the most amazing seafood dishes around.

Italian restaurants in Phuket are seemingly everywhere, but the quality of the food is usually a bit hit and miss. Furthermore, a lot of the Thai restaurants that also serve Italian food create such bizarre dishes as pasta with Ketchup. If you have never have had pizza with ketchup, you are in an experience, too. Breaking the mold are a few places in Phuket City.

Some of the best restaurants in Phuket are available on the high-end resorts. While they are expensive if you want incredible Western or Japanese food, one must often pay for the privilege. Some of the luxury resorts in Mai Khao play host to some good restaurants.

There are far too many Indian restaurants in Phuket, most of which arein Patong. Patong is expensive and the focus on mass tourism. As a result, the food is often substandard. If you want to eat Indian cuisine in Phuket, you'd be better off, check-out places in Phuket Town.

THAILAND ISLANDS ayutthaya-historical-park acer aspire one red

วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Bringing Western Values to Thailand

More and more westerners make Thailand home. We all bring us our own set of basic values of our upbringing deeply rooted and the societies from which we come. They are the rules under which we live our lives, the moral principles and guidelines that govern our actions and decision-making process. We do not all have the same values, but whatever values we hold, the probability that they are different from those held in Thailand.

Many ex-pats in> Thailand are the breadwinners of their families have set up their own businesses or working in management positions. We are therefore often in a position of authority or influence on Thai people. This leads us to a dilemma. To what extent should we use our own set of Western values to the Thai people that we influence?

I greatly respect and enjoy Thai culture. I am happy to embrace many values in my new home. However, I have my ownValues and I can not anchored, all behind them, just because I have now in Thailand. Many of them deep in my psyche. Set Your acceptance of western values in my life necessarily mean that they are also forced into the life of my wife. My wife is Thai and not always in the same things that I believe.

A good example of the West and Thais holding contrasting values is the topic of road safety. Most Thais do not believe in wearing helmets or seatbelts. They do not usually wearthem, but they do it to avoid a police fine, rather than in the interest of safety. Westerners generally accept that safety precautions are a good idea. We may not like our governments to us by law enforcement but we believe in the principle of taking safety precautions.

It is easy to understand the reasons for these differing viewpoints. Thai people are fatalistic. It is part of the Buddhist religion. They believe that what will be will be. If something will happen, it willhappened, and there is little you can do about it. In the West we believe in controlling our own destinies. We believe that our actions have consequences that affect future actions.

We have therefore a potential source of contention. I know some ex-pat Westerners who no longer start their car until all passengers continued their their safety. I know others who do not take the passenger on the motorcycle when her wear a helmet. These are generally considered not only the Western principles of integrated safetyLaws, but also from Thailand. But they still force their values on Westerners, Thais who do not hold the same values. We come to their land and force them to see how we act. Is that correct?

I have no doubt that our Western perspective is right on this issue. I am sure that most accidents are preventable, and if not you can at least take precautions to reduce their impact. But that's not the point. There is no question of who is right or wrong, but whether itRight to force Western values on the people of our host, who believe not in it. One of my moral belief is that it is wrong to force my beliefs on other people. So I take the attitude that if people want to ride in my car or on a motorcycle without safety precautions, it's their choice.

But what if you are the person responsible for security? What happens if the person is a child?

When we had our first child, I thought we would buy a child seat for the car. It is what weties in the West. My wife was surprised when I suggested we go shopping for such a post. Why would we want our child seat belt in the back of the car? She would hold the baby while I was driving.

Did I, a child seat is a good idea, so we went shopping. Of course, you will not find seats for babies in most Thai stores. They are something that most Thais do not think for the purchase. We went to the selection in Robinson's Department Store, Search. They were expensive, and they all required rearTo fasten seatbelts. Our car does not even have rear seat belts as well as the purchase of the baby seat, we would still get the car to get to. At this point I took, we would not buy one.

I thought we needed one, but it was too easy to prove, hard against the Thai belief that we do not. Even the sellers have confirmed that it was not necessary.

There are many ways that Westerners in Thailand to bring parts of their country lifestyles with them. In Phuketwe can in the western style houses, furniture, kitchens, appliances and satellite TV. I love Thai food and in our household, we eat Thai food most of the time but sometimes I want to eat the western. It will never be a problem in Phuket.

There is nothing wrong with building your own little piece of home in your new country, if that's what you want. The problem is, if your values at home, the life of the invasion of Thai people who do not want that to start it.

Western culture is veryinvasive. We see the Western fast-food outlets popping up all over Thailand. Make high profile advertising campaigns seem trendy and exciting to ignore the fact that the food is as good or as nutritious as the local cooking. The result is many small fat Thai children. New 7-Eleven convenience stores appear in any environment, while in the vicinity of the local Thai grocery stores. The Christian religion has a history of vigorously promoting itself in non-Christian countries. The UnitedStates a policy of promoting "the" American Way "on the world.

We seem to be a deep-rooted belief in our own correctness have. We are not easy to accept other nation's cultures and values. We expect them to be more like us to change this. It is a question which we must be careful when living in another culture. We need not lose our own identity and values, but we need a way to integrate them into our lives without suffocating the local culture without insulting and local searchPeople.

Funny Monkey Pictures Pattaya Thailand

วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Travel Cheap to Thailand

Thailand is for many people one of the most popular destinations. And the reasons are fairly obvious. Also, tourism has really grown in recent years, Thailand still offers relatively pristine areas, valuable beaches and an amazing cultural shock that you will probably prefer to miss your plane back home and not return to your everyday life. But to find out the cheapest travel to Thailand you really in order, in the right places, or you need to beabused, as most tourists.

Fly travel deals when it comes, there are many, as the responsibility for Thailand is very high and in this case, travel agents are a strong fight with each other. This, in the end we can find some very good offers. The idea of the article is, in general terms to encourage you to always for this special offer to travel cheap to Thailand and all over the world to look, you should never be what you are on your firstSearches, but beyond that, and aware that this is a limited offer, I wanted one of my findings with you free shares this morning.

This offer is particularly good for all Europeans, such departures from London, and I never tired of saying, you can London for 20 euros, the return trip with all that thing to arrive, with Ryanair. From there, including flights and 14 nights in hotels in Thailand, you get it at a price of 585 pounds sterling (813 euros) Icould kill me for free to promote similar deals, as I have no relation to any travel agency, but surely I am convinced that everyone has the aim to help people, we are here should have.

The way you can in this case book is not online, but online you can find a web page to see that you have the opportunity to travel cheap to Thailand and a number in the UK, you can call for more information receive offers. I have not tried, but I think that you will be able tothe reservation by phone.

Together, the possibility of cheap travel to Thailand, these guys have other interesting things, especially with the trips to Asia in the context, but also many other deals in other regions, such as flights to Auckland for 934 euros, which by far the best offer that I've seen on the market from Europe to New Zealand. Also, you can 21 days plus camper flights to Auckland for only 1152 euros. Also here is the best offer I've ever seen for the region.All this has usually only until the 15th June 2008, but if you wait to begin in early January, the new offerings for the summer and early September holiday discount to appear.

They are also discover many opportunities for Africa, including some Safari packages for the relatively low prices. Africa is not my area of expertise, so I do not promise, they are the cheapest option, but the numbers pretty well in comparison with what I've seen up tonow.

In any case, I feel free to look at their page and find out which ones best suited to your needs if you are planning to travel Asia, Africa or the South Pacific from Europe.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

GUNS N' ROSES - LIVE IN LONDON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 25th, 2010 at the John Labatt Centre

Tour promotes the bands latest album "Chinese Democracy, which debuted at # 1 on the charts in thirteen countries, including Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Finland, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and the Published European Top 100 Albums survey. Chinese Democracy was on Black Frog / Geffen Records in November 2008 and reached 3 times platinum in Canada, the platinum in the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, ...


acer aspire one blue ayutthaya-hotel

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Thailand Women Are Unique

The world of women in Thailand is often quite different than they actually are. Much of Hollywood society would be happy to Thai women as sexual beings that they submit only to think of regular prostitution and other sexual acts. The truth is, however, that Thai women are very conservative. In fact, its purity is something that is not only expected but necessary.

One thing that makes the women in Thailand so unique is the fact that they take theirCleanliness seriously. When they go on dates, there is very little physical contact at all. Hand in hand is something which is seen as intimate. You have honored no sex before marriage, and feel ourselves to be clean when they get married. This fact makes it quite appealing on many levels. They are not the dirty prostitutes the world thinks they are. They are pure and spiritual.

In addition, the women of Thailand are very domesticated. They are not well formed in most cases, but they doknow how to keep a clean house. They are big on entertaining and cooking, and will be sure their partner is completely happy. You see marriage as a way to stay in the world of prostitution, that so many Thai women pulls in.

You are morally strong, which makes them incredibly attractive to many people. They are what they feel, even if it means they have to give poor or certain things. In fact, many women living in poverty to keep their morals in tact, rather than to the reductionthemselves into prostitution.

THAILAND RESORTS http://thaifortune.com/

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Retire in Thailand - Affordable Retirement in Paradise

Thailand is a popular place for retirement, many westerners and retirees from other parts of the world. It is not only affordable, but it offers so much to the adventurous soul who has a place to retire. Thailand wants to see so much beauty everywhere and so many interesting places.

The most popular are Thailand Retirement Locations:

Chiang Mai
Southern Thailand

.... That's not all ... Retirees chooseother locations such as in Thailand: Northeast Thailand "Isaan", Chiang Rai, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Khon Kaen, Hua Hin or some of the most beautiful islands in the south of Thailand.

Phuket, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao are just some of the most beautiful islands in the south of Thailand with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. If you're not on an island, it is beautiful, the opportunity to visit an island for a few days or liveWeeks.

Visiting Thailand for an extended stay in Thailand before going to bed is a good way to find out whether this is the paradise for you. Some people come to Thailand for 6-months to a year to see if they retire in Thailand and the region of Thailand, as they want to find.

There are things about Thailand that can live a little bit difficult for some to be with. The Thai visa requirements are confusing, but must be understood. An aliencan even a condo in Thailand, but not land. As a foreigner, you will always be a stranger.

Thai treat all people with respect is always with you as a farang-foreigner and is not meant to offend you, but it is deeply rooted in Thai people and it is the way they are white on the people.

The list of good things about Thailand is endless, and outweigh the "negative". Thais are a gregarious nations on the planet andhave an extreme carelessness. They love to have fun, fun and eat good food.

So to make it again to the point: When you get to see beautiful things and places, how much fun you're relaxed, you want to eat delicious and exotic dishes and would like for all those who for a few cents on the dollar. . .. You may want to consider Thailand as a retirement location.

How much money do you need in Thailand?

The answer is, how long is a piece of string? There arePeople can live very well have to think for under $ 1000 per month, and then people $ 5000 is the absolute minimum.

There are people who pay $ 100 per month rent for an apartment and are happy and then there are people that one million-dollar home and look forward to or still think they could have been better to make your own.

Acer Aspire One 11 Inch

วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Thailand Hotels - Refreshing Moments

Are you looking for a nice place where you can come in close contact with Mother Nature? Then you should come to the Southeast Asian country, Thailand. It is a wonderful place to spend your vacation an unforgettable experience. Thailand's popular beaches and is home to lush forests, natural wonders and entertainment areas, a large number of tourists each to take a year. Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, Koh Samui and Chaiang May are the five major cities in> Thailand, allegedly the best tourist destinations in Thailand. Thailand treated stays warm over the years, with a variation of the climate.


The stay over here is not at all difficult. You can simply book in one of the superb hotels in Thailand and a room to walk for you and your family. Depending on your budget and preferences, you can try one of the hotels in Thailand. Here you will find manyexcellent hotels and resorts in Thailand to welcome you to the beach promenade of goal. To have you in your search easier, the numerous hotels in Thailand categorized into five-star, four-star, three star and two star hotels. The hotels in Thailand can be divided into luxury and budget hotels.

The luxury or deluxe hotels in Thailand have found some of the best accommodations in Thailand. The luxury hotels in Thailand offer a wide range offirst-class services and amenities, which will surely leave you mesmerized. Rooms at this luxury hotel are spacious and offer the big comfy beds, desk, cabinets and ceiling fans. Private balconies or terraces are there for you wonderful views of the surrounding area to enjoy. The facilities, which are provided in each of the rooms, custom made to meet the requirements of both business and leisure travelers needs. The various room facilities offered by the luxury hotels include airAir conditioning with individual control of body temperature devices, attached bathrooms with shower and bath, a fully stocked minibar, satellite TV, coffee and tea making facilities, hair dryer and others. You do not need to worry about the dining facility at the following hotels. The in-house restaurants serve gourmet dishes that are sure to give you an excellent dining experience. You will be provided to a variety of Thai dishes that make you lick your lips. Facilitiesand services to the luxury hotels and the business, recreation and other related services.

If you have a fixed budget, then you can for each of the budget or low-cost hotels in Thailand to go the cheap hotels in Thailand are in any way to the most luxurious hotels in Thailand. With the existing facilities in these low cost hotels may not be as extensive as the luxury or deluxe hotels, but no doubt you can expect a good combination of all the excellentServices. These services and facilities not only assure you a hassle free holiday, but you live in a stylish and comfortable way. These hotels in Thailand have well-equipped rooms have TV, refrigerator, safe, ceiling fan, cabinets and others. The hotel amenities are very good and includes a parking lot, swimming pool, conference rooms, room service, laundry service, parking and others.


วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Asean-top afgelast na rellen

Een van top Aziatische regeringsleider geëindigd zaterdag voortijdig is in chaos. Betogers Verstoorde bijeenkomst en in de badplaats Pattaya in Thailand, waarop dat de regering van de top country besloot af te Gelaste. ... Asean-top afgelast Rellen Aziatische regeringsleider chaos Betogers bijeenkomst badplaats Pattaya Thailand regering


KOH CHANG THAILAND acer aspire one white thailand-hot-news

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Clash - Sai rai pai see : ใส่ร้ายป้ายสี

Rock Band Clash from Thailand and her video for the song Sai rai pai see [ใส่ร้ายป้ายสี] Another one of my favorite Clash songs and the video is hella cool! ^ _ ^ ... Thailand Rock Clash clash cl * sh thai sai rai ใส่ร้ายป้ายสี Brainstorming



วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Thailand Travel - Major Tourist Attractions

With the great cultural attractions, outstanding resorts and spas, exotic beaches, historic sites, islands and national parks, it seems Thailand into the top-ranking tourist destination. This country offers the tourists with a wide range of travel experiences.

The most important aspect that makes this country a popular tourist destination, which is estimated with reasonable people. Thailand is relatively cheap and offers besides numerous amenities and affordable quality accommodationand delicious Thai food. Another aspect that increases the popularity of this country is the Thai people. People out there, known for their friendliness and hospitality, which really appeals to me are known to every traveler.
The biggest attractions

There are plenty of places to explore in Thailand. Each place has its own uniqueness and popularity. It will take a day to explore any place in this country. Check out some of the big cityAttractions.


Pattaya is a famous seaside resort with all the amenities you wish, by first class accommodations and fine restaurants, a variety of activities such as windsurfing, snorkeling and water skiing. The resort is only a few miles from Bangkok.


Phuket is one of the most famous islands in Thailand. This island is known for its beaches, spas and health resorts known. Among other islands Tong Sai and Bang Pae are two islandsstunning waterfalls that for people who long for aqueous gloss.


With millions of people in Bangkok, ancient Buddhist temples, and huge buildings, delicious food is sure to attract most of the travelers. All this makes Thailand a famous travel destination.

Thailand Travel Deals Aspire One Acer

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What You Need to Know About Overstaying in Thailand

Thailand is known all over the world as one of the most famous of the most desirable destinations, because of its rich cultural and ecological diversity. During your unforgettable visit to the land of smiles, you find yourself longing for more from the Thai experience, so the decision for an even longer stay in the country.

However, it is very important that you are given the basic guidelines for overstaying in Thailand, so you can avoid problems with Thai adhere toImmigration and enjoy the rest of your journey.

What is delaying?

Delay is defined as the act of exceeding the permitted during your stay in Thailand on the validity of an entry stamp or visa should be granted. As a foreigner, it is your duty to be maintained in view of the date of expiry of your stay in the country, and you are reminded, is in Thailand before you leave your residence permit expires. Overstaying is a misdemeanor if only foreign citizensbe held liable.

Consequences of Overstaying

Overstaying is punished by Thai immigration law. Technically, it's a violation is punishable that on the first day cover, but cover a rule that if you only have one days, you do not pay a fine. A fine of 500 baht per day is charged, beginning on the second day of the overshoot. The maximum penalty for overstaying in Thailand is 20,000 baht and children can be charged with overstaying when they are overAt the age of seven years.

You can pay the penalties for overstaying at the airport or at the next Thai Immigration Office. The process takes less than ten minutes, and you can even pay their overstay fines in advance. While this is a very convenient option for tourists, be aware that overstaying is still a violation of the Thai Immigration Rules. The immigration police detain more until you can your flight from Thailand, and it can be a very unpleasant experience for you,so it is best to avoid overstaying in Thailand, unless very urgent call for this option.

Why You Need a Thai Visa

If you really taking a long journey and discover more interested in the land of smiles, and possibly even to explore employment and business opportunities in the country, it will be best for you for a Thai visa before you arrive in Thailand to avoid such a problems with Thai immigration. It is recommended thatAre you looking for help from a reputable Thai law firm, who may be able to discuss your options with you in the application for a Thai visa. You may also be able to be a valuable resource of legal advice during your stay in Thailand.

THAILAND RESORTS Aspire One Acer Acer one

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Banking in Thailand

One aspect of the Thai banking that will quickly notice, there is often no consistency. Different banks have different rules, regulations and procedures. Sometimes that lack of consistency exists between the various branches of the same bank. It's more of an annoyance than a serious problem, but often in a branch you will be told one thing and then something completely different in another branch.

Thai banks have main and mini-branches. The mini-branches are generally foundin shopping centers. The mini-stores are very convenient because they are more important than the branches, and open every day, with the exception of certain holidays. The mini-open branches if their mall location and opens normally stay open until at 9.00 clock, depending on their location. Almost every industry, even in small towns, has someone on staff whose English is acceptable.

If you are in Thailand for a long-term visa, such as a Retirement Visa, operationa Thai bank account is required. Many Thai banks not to allow foreigners to open an account if they are in Thailand, without a non-immigrant visas. There are some, however, that you have an account, even if you entered Thailand on the 30-day privilege you get when entering at the international airport to open. If you refuse, branches, you can open an account, try another branch. Remember, on the opposition.

If you intend to connect to retire in Thailand, but havenot yet in possession of a Thai bank account, there may indeed be a problem if you do not find a bank with which you open an account. However, if you apply for the Retirement Visa still in your home country, unless you otherwise come into question, not the visa will be issued in possession of a Thai bank account. When connected to the Retirement Income Act visas, you can simply open an account at a bank in Thailand.

All Thai banks allow the opening of an account with a minimum deposit of 500Baht. At the opening of an account that you are issued a passbook. The ATM card is a Visa Electron. There is a fee for the Visa Electron card. Most banks require 200 to 300 baht for her. If it works, the banks charge a fee for the extension, normally 100 baht. Banks that are interested in a foreigner's savings account usually offer only a very low interest rate.

Thai ATMs are demanding and are extensive. Even the smallest towns have ATMs. In larger cities, they are virtually everywhere. IfYou make a withdrawal at an ATM where you hold an account, there is no fee if you are within the province, where will you opened the account. If you are in a different province, most banks assess a 25 baht fee if the withdrawal. If you make a withdrawal at an ATM machine other than your own bank, a 25 baht is valued, no matter where you are in Thailand.

The Visa Electron card can work outside of Thailand. You can make withdrawals at ATMs, most everywhere in theWorld. Most grocery stores, department stores, restaurants, and almost everywhere in Thailand, which usually can accept a credit card to pay with your Visa Electron card. You can now have a PayPal account if your bank is a Thai bank. When registering for a PayPal account require a credit card. The acceptance of the Visa Electron card, which means you can have PayPal funds to your Thai bank account. It takes 5 to 7 days for money to reach your account via PayPal.PayPal does not yet on their ATM card for Thai-based accounts.

If you are in an ATM representation of your own bank, anywhere in Thailand, you can do much more than simply to make withdrawals. You can do balance inquiries, even to other banks. You can pay bills, pay for more time to your cell phone bills, and transfer all Thai banks, including other banks. For example, if you hold an account with Kasikorn Bank, but want to transfer money to a Bangkok Bank account, you can do soKasikorn Bank ATM at any time, but many banks to restrict the hours in which these types of transactions can be performed. The hours for these types of transactions are generally 6:00 to 8:00 or 9:00 clock, depending on the bank.

In branch offices, there are usually cash deposit machines. You can deposit money into your account or any other account. The machine checks the cash at the box office is genuine, not a check forgery. In most cases, the funds will be available immediately once theDevice takes the money. In some cities, is available 24 hours a day. In other cities, that is only in the limited service hours available, even if it is the same bank.

There are usually passbook update machine shops.

Depending on the bank are limited to cash withdrawals at ATMs some 20,000 to 25,000 Baht per day.

All Thai banks online banking available. Some banks, however, allow an online banking only if you hold a non-immigrant visas. DependingBank extends completely through online banking from simple to complicated. If you have set up online banking, you can check your balance and transactions done from anywhere in the world. Brief description of the terms of cash, you can use online banking to do any kind of transaction that can be done at the ATM, too.

Online banking and bill-paying services. Billers that are closed with the bank's name appear on a drop-down list. Choose the company to which the billpaid. When filling out the form, you get two numbers needed. Both numbers appear on the invoice. Banks charge a 10 baht fee for each account on their behalf to pay for services are paid.

Some Thai banks have non-commercial branches abroad. Bangkok Bank, for example, has an office in New York. The office has a routing number, which means that all funds that can sustain you through direct deposit to your Bangkok Bank account will be sent through the New YorkBranch. You shall be deposited in general funds are on the same day.

Several banks offer mobile phone services. If your phone has Internet capabilities, the banks that offer such services, secure services, and allow you to access your account via phone. You can pay your balance, invoices, round your cell phone to check time, and transfers to other accounts.

Thai banks do not offer FDIC insurance bill similar to the U.S.. It is advisable tobe very careful if you have an ATM. Make sure nobody can see you enter your PIN. Change your PIN periodically, which can be carried out at an ATM. Do not let any approach that you stand out when using an ATM. If you use an ATM at night, you try to use in a well lit place with many people around to.

If you are a regular traveler to Thailand or stay in Thailand on a long term basis are then owned by a Thai bank account is easy and inexpensive. Almost every Thai Bankrated a 150 baht fee for transactions and payments if the ATM card is used at a foreign ATM card.


วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hail Holidays to Thailand

Thailand as a tourist destination has more to offer than just white sand and romantic beaches. Just Google Thailand and the number of results will surprise you.

The best-known cities are Thailand, Singapore and Bangkok, as they attract many visitors each year. The number is increasing every year. In fact, the Thai government also happy enjoying the growth in the foreign exchange markets, also for the same reason.

Mail arrives at Don MuangAirport, you are the true essence of the city of angels, Bangkok, or witness, as it is known to the Thai people. The hospitality and the lightness of the test will help you improve it in a way.

Make sure that you make a visit to the Reclining Buddha Temple, also known as Wat Pho. The temple is one of the oldest temples in the city ad is located opposite the Grand Palace. It also has inscriptions indicating the extent and nature of Thai massage, which is still practiced here. The main featurethis temple is the 46-meter-long statute of the reclining Buddha. The place will fill you with promises of inner peace and harmony.

Also worthy of obtaining the spiritual satisfaction is golden Buddha Temple. How Traimit in Wat Thai language known, is the temple near Hua Lum Pong, Bangkok central railway station. So commuting is not a difficult problem. In fact, you can tell your children about Thai culture and their origin on a visit to thisMonuments.

While in Bangkok, you can also plan your stay in one of the luxurious villas on Koh Samui, which promise to care facilities.

Pattaya Thailand THAILAND BEACH

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Health Tourism in Thailand

Private Health Insurance in the West is notoriously expensive, prohibitively so for some. Everyday things such as medical or dental health check-ups are high-priced, while surgery and major surgery can be quite a lot of people into bankruptcy. Thus, the rapidly growing practice of traveling across international borders will get across to healthcare.

Many have found their solutions in Thailand, encouraging a trend in "health tourism" within the country. Why Thailand? "As the ThaiMedical profession is one of the most modern in the region. Thailand 's hospitals and clinics are world class. Investment in equipment and management standards are so high that the major hospitals are "internationally accredited.

Following are some "ballpark" cost comparisons. The operation cost is one tenth of what it is in the U.S. or Western Europe, and sometimes even less. A heart-valve replacement, of the 200,000 U.S. would cost $ or more in the U.S., for example, isfor $ 10,000 and the return flight and a brief vacation package contains. Similarly, a metal-free dental bridge worth $ 5500 is in the U.S. costs about $ 500. A knee replacement in Thailand with six days of physical therapy costs about one fifth of what it in the U.S.. Lasik eye surgery worth $ 3700 in the U.S. for around $ 730 are available. In the USA cataract surgery for one eye runs around $ 8000, but in a prestigious International hospital in Thailand cataract surgery canperformed on both eyes for around $ 2,500. Cosmetic surgery savings are even greater: A full facelift that would cost $ 20,000 in the U.S. runs about $ 1,200. A thorough dental cleaning and checkup results, at $ 10.00.

Tourists in Thailand, for several reasons - tropical beauty, pristine beaches and a fascinating culture. But health is another reason that visitors to the kingdom. Thailand, the spa attracts capital of Asia. The country is rich in healthClubs and spas, and offers an incredible amount of sporting activities, everything from golf to explore diving, cycling up and down in the cave.

Thai Airlines offers what is known as Royal Orchid Holidays. Medical check-ups have become so important, Royal Orchid Holidays has added to its screening package. It is an unusual topic for a package, perhaps, but a very practical one, so that travelers have the option of a comprehensive medical check-up, while they areThailand for business travelers and tourists. Quality in Health Care with a tourism vacation at an affordable price combined patients from around the world.

On the medical side an Internet search of the International hospital in Bangkok will provide all necessary information regarding medical procedures available and the associated costs. While the list is long to start, do your search of the famous Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok Hospital are, Samitivej Hospital and Bangkok NursingHome Hospital. They are all internationally recognized hospitals.

On the tourism side, Thailand is known as the land of smiles. It is often described as the most exotic country in Southeast Asia. In Bangkok, a visit to the Grand Palace is a must. Trips to a floating market or the bridge on the River Kwai, or other popular destinations, are arranged easily and cheaply, with a personal driver. Enjoy a short flight or a train running over night, and you can be thepristine beaches in the southern islands and in the northern mountains with its waterfalls, elephants bathing in mountain streams, and Hill Tribe villages.

Consider health tourism in Thailand. You will easily recognize that you may have a medical procedure, and a nice vacation, all at a lower cost that you would have for the medical procedure alone in the West must bear.

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Bruce in Thailand

Bruce is the Bang Numpueng (honey) market Prapadang. A lot of good food.


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Changpeuk Kiatsongrit HL video

A highlight video of Nak Muay Changpeuk Kiatsongrit. Made by MD. ... Muay Thai highlight hl hilite Muai thailand changpeuk changphuak Changpuek kiatsongrit kiartsongrit kiatsonglit Buakaw


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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Thailand is the PLACE to be

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Getting a Visa in Thailand - Easy Steps

Thailand is a country full of beauty and mysticism. The culture of the country is a combination of ancient customs and modern complexity. By getting used to a climate of tropical weather, you can visit some of Thailand than to arrive first. Thailand a country of extremes, both in climate and culture. There is a polarizing effect between the extreme wealth of the middle and upper classes, and the almost third-world poverty of the lower classes.

U.S. CitizenTraveling to Thailand for a stay of less than thirty (30) days, there is no visa requirement. However, they will be required to a current U.S. passport and a return trip to the USA in your hand, stand to gain entry into the country. For other foreigners in Thailand stay for the duration of the stay, either short term or long term, a visa is required. You must check the visa requirements for the country that issued from your passport. You can do this through the Thai immigration authority's Website or your country of immigration website, if available.

Most foreign visas require arranged living accommodations during your stay. If staying in town for a week or more, a way of life, how can a serviced apartment ideal. However, if you only stay for a few days, may your hotel is your best choice. There are companies on-line delivery of serviced apartments for business travelers to meet many major cities in Asia, including> Thailand.

Unlike U.S. citizens, if you need a visa, you must do it before traveling to Thailand. If you are a U.S. citizen looking for a stay of more than 30 days, you must also apply and get your visa before entry. A visa is the stamp that your passport will be added. Remember that it will be compulsory for non-US citizens, the length of stay in Thailand for a visa. You can get these stamps, with the Thai Embassy or through an agent or an online --Application.

To apply for a visa in Thailand, there is the requirement for certain documents that the charges may have for them, to obtain. However, it is a necessity approved, all necessary information on the application as. The requirements for obtaining a visa are:

• compliance with certain applications that are applied to each visa for a stay of 6 months or longer.

• A completed visa application form, visit the Thai Embassy or the Thai ImmigrationBureau.

• A photograph of the applicant to resolve that the passport identification Games

• A round-trip physical or e-ticket

• Evidence of ability to pay checks that you have sufficient funds for your stay

It is important to remember that the consul may, at its discretion request additional documentation to. Visa applicants must be in a good state of overall health expenditures, and on request must be in a position to prove their ability to pay.

The usual fee for obtaining aVisa is $ 30 per person. The fee is subject subject to change. It is advisable to get the latest information on the compulsory fees for an application on the Thai website or from the Thai consulate. The fee is based on requirements of your home country. However, it is typical for the Thai consulate for their charges a flat rate set so that the research before the payment is required.

After 30 days, a traveler will stay in Thailand, you need to re -Extension of their visas. After obtaining an extended visa, you still have 30 days before you need to apply again. For a visa extension, you only need to contact the Thai Immigration Office.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

"In the Land of Smiles" Official Film Trailer

WATCH IT IN HIGH QUALITY Set in Thailand after the military overthrow of the Thaksin government, "In the Land of Smiles" offers an unfamiliar view of Thai life behind the facade of a western paradise and political propaganda. ... "In the Land of Smiles" Virgilia McClain "Kate's Project" in Thailand, "Thai Politics", "Thai coup" Bangkok Pattaya "Thai documentary


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Thailand Travel Destination and Tourism

Thailand is truly an amazing country with many places and activities to discover. The unique geographical landscape of Thailand extends far beyond several miles, that the prognosis of the extraordinary beauty of this country. The scale of mass tourism in Thailand is always on the move and will certainly increase in the following years. The most important aspect, which adds the popularity of Thailand, lies in its diversity and natural beauty of the landscape, is widespread.> Thailand offers everything you desire. There are so many places in this country, which is awe inspiring. Take a look at a few interesting sights of the Thai.

Beaches and Islands

Gulf of Thailand has been made safe for every visitor. The world's most incredible adventures you can dive under the outstretched islands of the Andaman Sea. Enjoying Thailand is cheap from other countries and offer probably the best country to vacation spots for a seaside holiday. Mostvisitors choose to visit Thailand between the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the hot season. Whatever you want, promises to Thailand to a precise combination of entertainment, leisure, give tension, and relaxation.


This has led to a new buzzword in Thailand tourism. Eco-tourism is gaining in popularity in recent years due to growing demand conservation of the natural environment.

Historical Sites

Thailand has a lot ofto visit historic sites. This is one reason why many people choose Thailand as a popular travel destination.

Night Life

Another aspect that makes Thailand Travel, a popular tourist destination is the country's nightlife. You can stay relaxed and enjoy your vacation in the city nightlife.

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